California | Valentines Day in Death Valley

Yesterday, I had a little Valentines shoot. Just me. I boondocked in the middle of Death Valley. I woke up for sunrise, a rare event for me, and hiked up to Zabriskie Point. Talk about otherworldly. I’d been hanging in Death Valley for a few days, but I still haven’t had enough of all the crazy sand formations. Zabriskie Point, especially when you get down into Badlands Loop, really is like walking on Mars. And when the sun hits the hills in the morning, the shadows change by the minute.
An hour after sunrise all the tourists had left. It was pure magic backlighting her pink dress in front of a labyrinth of gold colored badlands. Soon the sun was up. We hopped in the truck and drove down the road a bit to Furnace Creek Inn. Talk about an awesome wedding venue! This place is smack dab in the middle of Death Valley.
I must have worked up an appetite because afterward I was starving. And so I headed to Furnace Creek Inn and had the most delicious omelets. Then I sat out on the porch drinking our coffee and pinching myself.