Tags archives: south america
Honeymoon Guide: Exploring the Island of Curacao: Underwater
Let me just start out by saying this: if I am going to go on a tropical vacation, the water had better be warm, and there better be good snorkeling. Snorkeling is probably the most relaxing thing in the world. Curacao's turquoise waters have excellent visibility and wonderful reefs, which is why it is a very popular de [...]
Curacao Honeymoon & Wedding Guide: Around the Island
- Curacao is an interesting place. Its dutch, but its south american. Its tropical, but its a desert. Its rich, but its poor. As usual, I loved finding my way into the nitty-gritty parts of town and seeing people live their lives away from the tourist's eye. The colorful little shacks on the mountainsides are adorabl [...]
Curacao Honeymoon and Wedding Guide: Exploring the Desert
- Cucacao is a caribbean island located off the coast of Venezuela. Its set in a tropical location, but instead of palm trees, its filled with cacti. Curacao is a volcanic desert. Its beautiful and different, but you have to be careful where you walk. I would be taking pictures and get carried away looking through the l [...]