May Snow on the Blue Ridge Parkway | Boone, North Carolina

When I arrived in Boone the other week it was pretty warm out. Hot enough to wear shorts at least. But if there is one thing we have learned about being in the mountains, its that the weather is unpredictable. The day that it snowed- we had absolutely no idea what was coming. We had planned a backpacking trip up Grandfather Mountain, and the forecast called for some rain. No mention of snow at all- but I guess that surprises can happen. The whole day was gloomy and drizzly. I dropped my friend off at the trail head and enjoyed my rare alone day thrifting and shopping in downtown Boone. Then, about 3 hours later, I got a text from my friend that she had 60 mph gusts at the mountain top with a good layer of snow. Hearing this, I set out to the Blue Ridge Parkway to see the beauty. Its been too long since I’ve last seen snow here in the mountains. Plus a May snow is extra special.
I didn’t have much time before sunset, and the roads got a little slick, though thankfully I made it home safely to our camper. She endured a very cold night up on the mountain, but stayed cozy with Migo in his cold weather sleeping back. While our adventures were very different, we both really enjoyed it.
Thanks for reading! Shelley, Boone + Asheville, North Carolina Adventure Wedding Photographer
Here’s a throwback to the last snow we saw in Boone, North Carolina. So pretty!